Tales of our TSA-free travel east from Chicago to San Francisco

Tales of our TSA-free travels east from Chicago to San Francisco

Sunday, December 9, 2018

1st sunset over Cuba

1st sunset with Cuba to the west.  Our current location is just northeast of Cape Lucrecia and the towns of Banes and Moa, Cuba.

OK, we always try to find some humor on these adventures.  Today, Lisa overheard some people on the elevator complaining "too much dairy."  I could only imagine.  Later, I overheard someone describe the onboard sauna, despite the claim that it was infused with eucalyptus, that it smelled like "South Florida in August."

We do say though, that service has been excellent so far.  Skies are completely clear with just a sliver past a new moon--we should see some stars tonight.  5 foot seas are barely noticeable since the ship is outfitted with stabilizers.  Miles traveled so far: 588.9, about 1300 to go. All good!

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