Tales of our TSA-free travel east from Chicago to San Francisco

Tales of our TSA-free travels east from Chicago to San Francisco

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

So long South Korea, goodbye Asia

We have departed Busan, South Korea. Our last stop in Asia and the last country we'll travel through before arriving back in the United States.

Additional cargo has been loaded onto the freighter getting us closer to the 7000 container limit.

At departure, we were invited to the aft deck to watch the ropes pulled in and the shove off. It was like a bring your kids to work day, and we were the kids.

This last stop also marked the spot where our original Captain departed for his vacation and a new Captain joined on.

We'll be initially sailing northeast towards Japan crossing through the country at the Tsugaru Strait. We'll continue northeast until we reach our closest approach to the Aleutian Islands, passing 180 miles south of our first encounter with North America since August 28th.

At that point we turn southeast until we reach Long Beach. Weather may alter our course as we try to avoid storms.

This will be our last blog post until we reach Long Beach around January 21 or 22. More later...

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